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WIAD23 Volunteer Appreciation

Thank you for volunteering at WIAD23! We have something for you!
Rosenfeld Media is offering 1 free ebook to volunteers and organizers who supported World IA Day.
Please fill out this form and we'll send the discount code to your email.

Full name

Email address

Your email address will be used to email you a copy of the volunteer gift!


City or Country is fine.

Tell us how World IA Day went for you.

These following questions are optional and be taken in consideration anonymously and in aggregate for suggestions and tips for improvements to future event organizers as well as to the global planning team.

Anything about WIAD23 that went well this year?

What did we do well that we should keep doing? What went smoothly?

Anything about WIAD23 that you'd like to see improved next year?

If there is 1 thing that could be changed, what would that be?

Anything about WIAD23 that you feel should stop next year?

What tools or processes proved to be useless? What kept you up at night?

Anything else you'd like to share?