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Vito Setup and Invite Request

WIAD22's preferred event platform: Vito We are continuing to have Vito as our online community event platform provider. Like last year, access to Vito is given to event locations at no charge by the Global.
Vito features: - Single-hub multi-streaming, captioning, pre-recorded video content - Custom content for local page or hub - Tito webhooks integration - Privacy and safety-first reporting See other features here:

WIAD22: A connected world, ONE Vito hub

To facilitate connectedness in our worldwide community and with Vito supporting multiple streams in a single hub, the Global team is looking at creating a single event hub for WIAD22, with pages and livestream channels for each location.
With a combined hub, attendees just need to sign up once and get access to ALL of the virtual events happening and jump between events easily. With this, we'd like to know your plans for your event setup.

Are you planning to use Vito for your event

Are you planning to use Vito for your event

Are you planning to join the WIAD22 Vito Global Hub?

Are you planning to join the WIAD22 Vito Global Hub?

Need to request a collaborator invite for Vito?

Who should be listed as a collaborator? Anyone who plans to: - add/update information for speakers, sponsors, and event/session - manage the local page

WIAD Location/Event

Which WIAD22 location/event are you part of?

Full Name

Email Address

Do you have any questions about planning your event?

Data and Privacy consent

Your email address will only be used to invite you as a collaborator to "WIAD22 Test" on VIto.
Data and Privacy consent
When you submit this form, an email notification will be sent to a member of the WIAD22 planning committee who will send you an email invite to the Vito hub named "WIAD22 Test".
The invite expires within 3 days of when the invite is sent. If it expires, feel free to reply to that confirmation and ask for another invite.